My Career
At the moment I am studying my fifth year of sound engineering, and I have already completed the general branches of the career, so now it only remains to take the electives. I have been disappointed by the little variety of these that exist, and especially for people who want to focus on the more artistic or musical production field like me. This semester no alternative was offered, so I feel that it is very focused on the research area, I am not saying that it is wrong but I feel that there should be more options for everyone. It would also be ideal if they implemented a technological improvement in the field of sound reinforcement, since the equipment used for this is too old and out of date for the current market. I would also very much like you to show us the advances that are taking place every day in the world of music mixing and production, to know the correct way to inform ourselves and not be left behind in this market that is so competitive. I know that it must be difficult ...